the trading of SO2 allowances – are coal plants actively using them? How was the price of an allowance set?

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August 7, 2017
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the trading of SO2 allowances – are coal plants actively using them? How was the price of an allowance set?

Create a balance sheet to determine how long would it take to recoup the cost of installing a solar cell on your home.
Food sciences How do our food choices affect our CO2 footprint? (buying locally, vegetarian vs. eating meat, etc.)
Journalism Write an article about what steps NYU is taking to reduce its CO2 footprint as a university
History What lessons can we learn from the energy crisis in the 1970s?
Hotel Management Design a “green” hotel or propose a plan to make a hotel more environmentally-friendly
Marketing Design an ad campaign to promote a particular renewable energy technology
Psychology Design a study to understand how our habits affect the choices we make in terms of recycling, foods, conservation, etc.
Social Devise a plan to use renewable technologies to help businesses in entrepreneurship developing countries

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