How does the Christian communal meal arise from Jewish and Greco-Roman conceptions of sacrifice and what makes the Christian sacrificial meal different from its Jewish and Greco-Roman forerunners?

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How does the Christian communal meal arise from Jewish and Greco-Roman conceptions of sacrifice and what makes the Christian sacrificial meal different from its Jewish and Greco-Roman forerunners?

Project description
Each of your responses should be approximately 500 words; approximately 500 words means a minimum of 400 words and no more than 600 words.

I ask you a weekly response question for two reasons. First, I want you to formalize some of your thoughts about what you watched in each weeks lecture and read in the assigned readings. Second, I want to foster student commentary on the course lectures and readings. The TAs who mark your responses will send me some of the more intriguing ones each week and I will post them (with names redacted) in the comments section under the weekly post for each week.

These response questions are not a way for you to express your like or dislike of something, or for you to say that you thought the lecture and readings for the week were interesting or boring. While I do hope you like the readings and lectures and find them interesting, in your weekly responses you will be asked to demonstrate how you have thought about, questioned, and analyzed the materialnot just whether you liked it or not.

What I am looking for in your responses is essentially a few well-structured and succinct paragraphs. This is an exercise in getting a few brief points across clearly and concisely.

Each response will be marked on a 3-point scale with no half points.

3 An outstanding response that demonstrates superior engagement with the course materials. The response clearly and concisely responds to the question (or prompt) and supplements its points with cogent analysis and/or examples drawn from the readings/lecture.


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