Exegetical Paper on Philippians 2:1-11

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Exegetical Paper on Philippians 2:1-11

Exegetical Paper on Philippians 2:1-11

The elements that are crucial to your resultant/written paper should be:

•    genre:  how does the type of literature impact meaning?  [weave into discussion where pertinent]
•    context/structure:  how does this passage fit within the broader literary context?  What is the passage’s structure?
•    validation:  what are the pros/cons for choosing between competing interpretive options?
•    word studies and biblical theology:  what key terms within the passage would be helpful to understand better (semantic fields, concrete

illustrations of abstract theological terms, etc.)?  What biblical themes/theology are worth developing that shed light on this passage?
•    application:  how does this passage impact/intersect with our lives (logical and theological development)?
Philippians 2:1-11
Commentaries:  Gordon Fee (NICNT; also IVPNTC); Moisés Silva (BECNT); Peter O’Brien (NIGTC); Frank Thielman (NIVAC); Ralph Martin and Gerald F.

Hawthorne (WBC revised ed.); Ben Witherington (S-RC); Stephen Fowl (THNTC); John Reumann (AYBC); Todd Still (SHBC).
Periodical articles:  Joseph H. Hellerman (BBR, 2010; JETS, 2009); J. Christopher Edwards (JTS, 2010); Sean F. Winter (JSNT, 2008 [review article]);

Mark Weedman (JTI, 2008); Dennis W. Jowers (JETS, 2006); Gordon D. Fee (BBR, 1992); Denny Burk (TB, 2004); Adela Yarbro Collins (BI, 2003); David J.

MacLeod (BibSac, 2001).
Chapter in an Edited Volume:  J. L. Lietaert Peerbolte, “The Name Above All Names (Philippians 2:9)” in Revelation of the Name of YHWH to Moses

(Brill, 2006); Bruce N. Fisk, “The Odyssey of Christ: A Novel Context for Philippian 2:6-11” in Exploring Kenotic Christology (Oxford University

Press, 2006).
Monograph:  M. Sydney Park, Submission within the Godhead and the Church in the Epistle of Philippians: An Exegetical and Theological Examination of

the Concept of Submission in Philippians 2 and 3 (T&T Clark, 2007).

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