Question 1
Drinking and other drug use by college students is a serious concern on most college campuses. Suppose a representative of the Dean of Students office came into your classroom and distributed a survey of drinking and drug use.
Identify human subject rights that could be violated by drinking and drug use with this scenario
The rate of alcohol usage and drug abuse is common among college students. The use of alcohol, marijuana and cocaine is popular among students than non-students. The survey carried out illustrated that these students begin abusing alcohol while still in high school before joining college, this trend increases after they join college. The war of fighting drug abuse has undermined human rights (Lucey 67). This has led to the torture and neglect of the college drug users through the distraction of social liberties and the fair trial levels. There has been imposition of abusive and inhuman punishments that lead to the deterioration of the student’s performances both in school and at home.
Various human subject rights are violated because of alcohol and drug abuse (Lucey 89). They include:
Question 2
The Cask of Amontillado
How does the Point of View (POV) affect your understanding of “The Cask of Amontillado”?
“The Cask of Amontillado”, is a short narrative by Poe that portrays the aspects of POV. The point of view is implicated in the short narrative to literally convey the relevance and the effect of the narrative. Poe embarks on the prior individual’s opinions and point of view; this ensures that various dialogues are conveyed through the narrators (Poe 34). Generally, this is meant to peer the aspect of the human mind and how external and internal issues affect it. According to the short narrative, Poe illustrates the aspect of the point of view where Montresor opts to discuss the effects of the story with Fortunato who happens to be the victim in the case. Montresor takes the initiative of building the story through his possession of clarity and the ability to initiate suspense. This is an indicator that Montresor is sure about his actions.
Young Goodman Brown
Examine Young Goodman Brown’s response to his experiences
Young Goodman Brown encounters diverse experiences through the pervasive and secrecy of sins and injustices of the society. These are the prevalent assumptions indicating that his actions portray both innocence and naivety. However, this fails after the realization of hypocrisy in his religious faith. His wife is a major representation of the “domestic spheres that are untainted by the evils all over the world” (Bloom 56). Goodman thinks about his pedestal experiences after the appearance of his wife in the forest, this pushes him to lose hope on his beliefs about deliverance and rescue. Goodman’s journey to the forest is considered sinful and that is the reason why his encounters in the forest portray aspects of internalized sins. The missions that Goodman advocates are evil; this leads him to taking the responsibility of dividing himself from the other individuals because he wants to conceal his sinful ways (Bloom 76).
Work Cited
Poe, Edgar A. The Cask of Amontillado. Charlottesville, Va: University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center, 1993. Internet resource.
Bloom, Harold. Young Goodman Brown. Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2004. Print.
Lucey, Richard. Alcohol and Other Drug Use Among College Students in New York State: Findings from a Statewide College Survey (1996). Albany, NY: New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, 1999. Print.