Susan Sontag’s “On Photography”

The United States has arguably the most advanced health care in the world………
August 7, 2017
August 7, 2017
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Susan Sontag’s “On Photography”

In 600-700 words, you will close-read one or two passages (between 50-100 words in length) of Susan Sontag’s essay “On Photography” that deal with one aspect of photography–art, technology, evidence, education, historical record, a representation of reality, a means of surveillance, etc. Ideally, your response paper will build upon/elaborate on the one aspect of photography discussed in the selected passage(s). Suggestion: before you begin writing, copy-and-paste the selected passage(s) in the center of the page, then hit enter to go to the next line where you begin your response to it/them. Be sure to analyze the language of the passage(s), and explain its significance and/or latent meanings.

Click here for more on this paper…….


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