Personality Assessment and Diagnosis
Personality assessments assess various personality constructs, such as extroversion, neuroticism, openness, hypomania, and obsessiveness, among many others. Personality assessments include informal assessment techniques, structured personality inventories, projective techniques, and self-concept measures. Personality assessment results can provide valuable inroads into case conceptualization, treatment planning, and diagnosis. At the same time, they can run the risk of being detrimental to clients. For instance, one danger of using personality assessment results to diagnose is that the diagnosis or “label” may negatively affect clients and their lives. Therefore, careful thought and consideration should be exercised when using personality assessment results to diagnose clients.
For this Discussion paper , you review and complete “The Adjective Check List” for yourself. Consider if this type of assessment is reflective of personality.
3) Description -2
Give a reflection on the process and the potential impact of results from “The Adjective Check List” you completed. You do not need to share your specific results; instead, think about the process and how the results from this type of assessment may or may not be reflective of personality. Then, post one possible benefit and one possible risk of using personality assessment results to inform diagnosis. Then,
explain one possible benefit and one possible risk of using projective assessment results to inform diagnosis.which personality assessment should be used etc. R
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