5. Publicity – Objectives & Budget- What do you spend your money on?
6. How does this promotion plan reach and motivate the target market?
IV. Pro Forma Financial Statements And Budgets (MOHAMMED)
A. Marketing objectives
1. Expected percentage of target market(s). Rarely as high as 2-5%.
2. Expected sales in the first five years. How is this calculated? Compare this number to your target market.
How often do people buy your product or service in a year?
B. Marketing budget (How are these numbers estimated?)
Do not use % of sales to determine your marketing budget.
1. Advertising/sales promotion/personal selling/publicity expense
2. Distribution expense
3. Product costs
C. Pro forma annual profit-and-loss statement (show how this is calculated-what price are you using?- usually
the wholesale price). Don’t forget taxes.
1. Year 1-5
2. Discussion and explanation in the body of the paper
D. Financial Conclusions