Aspect of contract and negligance of business

The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to conduct an interview with a manager to enable you to better understand a manager’s day-to-day responsibilities
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Aspect of contract and negligance of business

Aspect of contract and negligance of business

Achievement Summary
I Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND I
Qualification Diploma in Business Assessor name Logan

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Unit 5: Aspects of Contract and I
Unit Number and title Negligence for Business‘ Student name Boyan Tsenov
Criteria 3 To achieve the criteria the evidence ‘must -show” that the s-tudenst is ‘ Achieved”?
Reference _ _ . . _ ._ . able to: _ . . . _ _ (field

1.1 explain the importance of the essential elements required for the
formation of a valid contract
2 . . _ J
1 discuss the impact of different types of contract
analyse terms in contracts with reference to their meaning and effect

apply the elements of contract in given business scenarios

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apply the law on terms 111 different contracts
evaluate the effect of different terms in given contracts
contrast liability in tort with contractual liability
explain the nature of liability in negligence
explain how a business can be vicariously liable

4-1 apply the elements of the tort of negligence and defences in different
business situations
apply the elements of vicarious liability in given business situations
Irli-:g_he~,r -(§§rade- aelfi“-evemeats (where appliealel Q
i Grade descriptor Grade descriptor Achieved?
(tick) _ _ (tick)
Ml: Identify and apply strategies to find D1: Use critical reflection to
appropriate solutions evaluate own work and justify
Valid conclusions
I D2: Take responsibility for
M2: Select/design and apply appropriate managing and 01‘ gaiiisiiig
methods/techniques 3i5iiViti”~‘5
D3: Demonstrate
M3: Present and communicate ¢oiiVei‘ gefliiiaiei 31 1’ Ci‘ e3iiV9
appropriate findings thinking

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