Effective negative news email based on the case

A television screen measures 58…
August 7, 2017
One of the advantages of rule no consequentialist theories is that they clearly state do’s and don’ts, thereby lending a great deal of stability and order to morality. To what extent do you feel that this advantage is an important one? Why? What are its string points and its drawbacks?
August 7, 2017
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Effective negative news email based on the case

Effective negative news email based on the case above. You can add information to improve
your answer, as long as it doesn’t contradict the facts in the case. Email Jason Lee
([email protected]) your reply. Be extremely tactful with him—you want to keep his
company as a client. Avoid blame/criticism and explain the reasons using wording that focuses on
benefits to the client, rather than protection for your business. In addition, avoid criticizing or blaming
Make sure your

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