Research Exercise Assignment Write a 2-page APA style paper summarizing the background, description, and purpose of NIST Special Publication, 800-34, Rev. 1, Contingency Planning Guide for Federal Information Systems. NIST 800-34, Rev.1 Publication Citation <— this is the link |
The heading for the last section of your paper should be titled “Author Reflection” and it should reflect your critique of the publication examined. Your paper should also integrate and identify (with) the concepts covered in your textbook and the module/course content. Be sure to use your newly acquired terminology.
Integrate and identify (with) the concepts from your textbook and the module/course content in your research exercise paper. The heading for the last section of your paper should include an “Author’s Reflection” (your reflection) critiquing of the journal, publication, article, website, or situation examined. Be sure to use newly acquired terminology.
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