Length |
At least 2 pages and/or equals more than 500 words. |
At least 2 pages but does not equal 500 words. |
At least 1 page in length that does not equal 500 words. |
Not a full page was written about the topic and does not equal 500 words. |
Historical Connection (This connection can be made when the topic, characters, or events within both books are evaluated together either in a comparison or some other form. |
More than 5 connections are made between the two books that were read. |
Three or more connections are made between the two books that were read. |
2 or more connections are made between the two books that were read. |
At least 1 connections is made between the two books that were read. |
Format (MLA) |
There are no formatting errors including heading, margins, citations, headers, etc. |
There are minor mistakes in formatting with MLA format. |
There are major mistakes in formatting with MLA format. |
Essay is full of formatting errors. |
In-text Citation |
Essay includes at least 3 strong quotes from each book that supports the body paragraph and was included with purpose. |
Essay includes at least 2 strong quotes from each book that supports the body paragraph and was included with purpose. |
Essay includes at least 1 strong quote from each book that supports the body paragraph and was included with purpose. |
There are no strong and purposeful quotes in the text. |
Description and Summary |
A complete and thoughtful summary of each book is included. |
A complete and thoughtful summary of one book is included but not the other. |
There are summaries included in the essay but neither is complete or thoughtful. |
Summaries and descriptions are absent from the essay. |
Meaning or Purpose (Why do you think the author wrote this book? What evidence suggests this? |
The meaning or purpose provided in the essay correlates with the rest of the paper and is a thoughtful conclusion. |
The meaning or purpose provided in the essay correlates with the rest of the paper, but not a thoughtful conclusion. |
The meaning or purpose provided in the essay does not correlate with the rest of the paper and is not a thoughtful conclusion. |
There is no purpose or meaning described in the paper. |
Historical Context (Use a textbook to identify what else was going on in the world outside of your book’s subject and/or time period.) |
Historical context is well rounded that offers a complete view of global changes and impacts surrounding the book’s area(s), time period(s). |
Context offers a complete view of global changes and impacts surrounding the book’s area(s), time period(s). |
Context offers a view of global changes and impacts surrounding the book’s area(s), time period(s). |
There is no historical context in the paper. |