Of what significance are the notes to the financial statements? Are these notes required?

Write a Modern World History online test on Blackboard
August 7, 2017
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). (2008). Mirror-tracing activity.
August 7, 2017
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Of what significance are the notes to the financial statements? Are these notes required?

Respond to the following questions thoroughly, in 150-300 words for each question.  Use your textbook as your first and major reference.

  1. What financial reports are included in the annual report?  What are the major types of information contained in each of these reports?  What is a Form 10-K?  What information can be found in a Form 10-K document that could not be found in an annual report, if any?
  2. Of what significance are the notes to the financial statements? Are these notes required?
  3. Explain the importance of corporate governance to publicly-held company in relation to any interest that it has in being profitable.

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