repare a weighted decision matrix using the template named . Ben will use this matrix to evaluate applicants for project manager for this important project. Develop at least five criteria, assign weights to each criterion, assign scores, and then calculate the weighted scores for four fictitious applicants. Write a 1/2 page paper that describes the weighted decision matrix and why you choose the criteria and weighting you used.

Generate a chart that demonstrates how the sociological environment influences the physical and mental health of individuals. Include both the physical and social environment and write a synopsis of the influence created by each item on the chart.
August 7, 2017
Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
August 7, 2017
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repare a weighted decision matrix using the template named . Ben will use this matrix to evaluate applicants for project manager for this important project. Develop at least five criteria, assign weights to each criterion, assign scores, and then calculate the weighted scores for four fictitious applicants. Write a 1/2 page paper that describes the weighted decision matrix and why you choose the criteria and weighting you used.

Read the following from the attached PDF:1. Prepare a weighted decision matrix using the template named . Ben will use this matrix to evaluate applicants for project manager for this important project. Develop at least five criteria, assign weights to each criterion, assign scores, and then calculate the weighted scores for four fictitious applicants. Write a 1/2 page paper that describes the weighted decision matrix and why you choose the criteria and weighting you used. Worth 40 Points2. Prepare a project charter for the Green Computing Research Project. Again, assume that the project will take six months to complete and that the budget is $500,000. Use the project charter template  and examples of the project charters in Chapters 3 and 4 as guidelines. Assume that part of the approach is to select the project team as quickly as possible. Worth 20 Points.

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