Compose a 500 word essay based on your political ideology.

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Compose a 500 word essay based on your political ideology.

For the Unit 8 Assignment you will compose a 500 word essay based on your political ideology.By now, you have gained some insight regarding political ideologies and how they are applied to American government. Now, you will turn your attention to yourself by determining your own political philosophy. Many Americans claim that they belong to a certain party, or follow a certain ideology, without ever taking the time to figure out if that assessment is really accurate. For this Assignment, you will want to explain the origins of the political ideology with which you are aligned. You will then consider how this ideology impacts you, and discuss its prospects for future political success. When you consider the origins of the ideology you chose, you will want to explain when, how, and why you identify with this particular ideology.Within a 500 Word essay please include:The Assignment should be at least 500 words, and must use and cite the text and primary documents as sources. Cite the work internally and in full reference at the end, following APA styleI attach information with directions.

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