Construct constitutive and operational definitions for any three (3) of the actions and outcome variables listed in the shaded box under Review Question 1 at the end of Chapter 6. (Note: The box includes Program expenditure, Equality of educational opportunity.

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Construct constitutive and operational definitions for any three (3) of the actions and outcome variables listed in the shaded box under Review Question 1 at the end of Chapter 6. (Note: The box includes Program expenditure, Equality of educational opportunity.

Assignment 4: Policy Outcomes

Due end of Week 8 and worth 110 points

The following is taken directly from the study guide (my comments/additions in blue and grading in green):


Review Chapter 6.

Read Review Questions 4, 5, and 13.

Examine Figure 6.13 Threats to validity as objections.


Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:

(Note: Refer to Review Question 4 for criterion 1.)

1. Construct constitutive and operational definitions for any three (3) of the actions and outcome variables listed in the shaded box under Review Question 1 at the end of Chapter 6. (Note: The box includes Program expenditure, Equality of educational opportunity, Energy consumption, etc.) (Ensure you cover 3 actions and outcomes.) Budget about 1¾ pages. This element is worth 27.5 points, refer to the Grading Rubric.

Grade A work: Thoroughly constructed constitutive and operational definitions for any three (3) of the actions and outcome variables listed in the shaded box under Review Question 1 at the end of Chapter 6.

(Note: Refer to Review Question 5 for criterion 2.)

2. Identify three (3) policy problems listed in the shaded box under Review Question 5 and determine an appropriate indicator or index that would help determine whether each of the identified problems are being solved through government action. Justify your position on each. (Note: The box includes Work alienation, School dropouts, Poverty, etc.) (Ensure you cover 3 actions and outcomes.) Budget about 2 pages. This element is worth 33.0 points.

Grade A work: Thoroughly identified three (3) policy problems listed in the shaded box under Review Question 5 and thoroughly determined an appropriate indicator or index that would help determine whether each of the identified problems are being solved through government action. Thoroughly justified your position on each.

(Note: Refer to Review Question 13 for criterion 3.)

3. Construct valid rebuttals to the following argument using at least four (4) threats to validity: (B) The greater the cost of an alternative, the less likely it is that the alternative will be pursued. (W) The enforcement of the maximum speed limit of 55 mph increases the costs of exceeding the speed limit. (I) The mileage death rate fell from 4.3 to 3.6 deaths per 100 million miles after the implementation of the 55-mph speed limit. (C) The 55-mph speed limit (National Speed Law of 1973) has been definitely successful in saving lives. (Ensure you cover at least 4 threats to validity.) Budget about 2 pages. This element is worth 33.0 points.

Grade A work: Thoroughly constructed valid rebuttals to the following argument using at least four threats to validity: (B) The greater the cost of an alternative, the less likely it is that the alternative will be pursued. (W) The enforcement of the maximum speed limit of 55 mph increases the costs of exceeding the speed limit. (I) The mileage death rate fell from 4.3 to 3.6 deaths per 100 million miles after the implementation of the 55-mph speed limit. (C) The 55-mph speed limit (National Speed Law of 1973) has been definitely successful in saving lives.

4. Provide at least two (2) academic or government resources to support your views. (Note: Do not use open source Websites such Wikipedia,,, and similar Websites are not acceptable resources.) This element is worth 5.5 points.

Grade A work: Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.

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