Compare and contrast these typical business plan models. Describe the strengths and limitations of these models.

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Compare and contrast these typical business plan models. Describe the strengths and limitations of these models.

Research a minimum of four typical business plan models.

In a paper of 1,000-1,500-words:

Compare and contrast these typical business plan models.

Describe the strengths and limitations of these models.

Compare these models to the business plan models in either Microsoft Project or Apple Merlin.

Select the model that you believe will work best for Electronic Medical Records which the industry is currently all a buzz about.

Research should be from scholarly, peer-reviewed sources.

Please refer to the following directions regarding paper: The background information included is comprehensive, relevant and interesting, and provides specific information to assist the audience to understand the topic’s importance in a manner that is fresh and engaging.

More than four business plans are comprehensively compared and contrasted. Strengths and weaknesses are presented with numerous supporting details. Comparisons and contrasts are insightful. Thoughtfully analyzes and evaluates the strengths and weaknesses. Demonstrates a deep understanding of various business plan models by supporting ideas with details and examples. All of the required assignment content is present. Major points are exceptionally clear and thoroughly addressed. Significant and best possible support is evident, relevant, and convincing.

Sources are academic, comprehensive, current, and relevant. Quoted material and paraphrasing expertly support, extend, and inform ideas but do not substitute for the writer’s own idea development. Sources are well evaluated to support major points.

Attached are a few peer-reviewed articles for referece

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