Why does Hobbes think no one can covenant not to defend himself from force? Explain why

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Why does Hobbes think no one can covenant not to defend himself from force? Explain why

I am going to send you and files.please open and read the article and than you should answer the questions; Finally, read Hobbes’s, Leviathan, Chapter 14, “Of the First and Second Natural Laws, and of Contracts.” Answer the following questions in one short paragraph (maximum) per question (except for question 4):

1)How does Hobbes define “covenant”?

2)Give an example of a covenant.

3)What does Hobbes say about covenants entered into from fear?

4)Why does Hobbes think no one can covenant not to defend himself from force? Explain why you agree or disagree with him. (You may take more than one paragraph to answer this question.)

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