What are different mechanisms for water access in the Middle East and North Africa? What are the costs and limitations to each? How can states use water to control other states?

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What are different mechanisms for water access in the Middle East and North Africa? What are the costs and limitations to each? How can states use water to control other states?

text book: Marston, Knox, Liverman, Del Casino & Robbins. World Regions in a Global Context. 5th Edition.

All the answers of the questions are found in the text book. you do not have to cite the answers from the text book, but when you you use other sources you must cite them.

Please read the instructions before carefully. Failure to do so will likely result in a lowered grade.

Answer TWO of the Regional Questions AND TWO of the Cross-Regional Questions. Cross-Regional Questions will draw upon material from the first half of the term. Answering more than two in either section will result in only the first two being graded. No exceptions.

Each answer should be long enough to address each part of the question. Please try to limit your answers to 2-pages, 1.5 spacing.

All the material to address these questions can be found in your book and in the lectures. You may use outside resources, but make sure you are using them correctly.

You MUST CITE any outside resources not from the book or the lectures. You will lose points for failure to include both in-text citations AND a bibliography. Please cite in text after the quote or paraphrased sections and in a bibliography at the end using APA format. Instructions can be found here: https://www.library.cornell.edu/research/citation/apa (Links to an external site.)

For each of the questions below, you must use examples from the news, or your own experiences to illustrate your answer.

Make sure that you address every part of the question.

You will be graded on punctuation, spelling, and grammar, and structure. Make sure you write effectively.

(Regional Questions) (5pts each)

“only answer 2 of them”

1-What are different mechanisms for water access in the Middle East and North Africa? What are the costs and limitations to each? How can states use water to control other states?

2- How specifically are the changes brought through global warming a threat to the low-lying atolls of the Pacific? What are the economic and cultural effects of this process?

3- Using a geopolitical approach to discuss the cultural and political economic factors into Russia’s recent interventions in Ukraine. What have been Russia’s methods of working around a dissolving alliance with Ukraine?

4- How does looking at the geography of e-waste complicate the narrative of rich countries dumping on poor ones? How does the simple narrative help create policies that miss the variabilities within the e-waste trade.

(Cross-regional Questions) (10 pts each)

“only answer 2 of them”

1- Compare and contrast the drivers of deforestation in three different regions we have covered in this course. What are local, state and international pressures on trees, and what are the effects of that on local populations? What have been efforts to mitigate the loss of forests in each of the three regions?

2- Compare and contrast the legacies of the Cold War in three different regions we have covered in this course. What have been the specific impacts and why did the Cold War play out in that region in the specific way that it did?

3- Compare and contrast the issue of un-natural disasters in wealthy versus poor countries. Why are people vulnerable to injury and death? Make sure you compare a natural event that took place in a more developed country to one in a less-developed country.

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