• Identify a genre of texts that you want to analyze and compare. The texts can be anything that is accessible to you: marketing materials, student essays, cover letters, resumes, advertisements, web pages, posts to social media outlets, e-mails, official statements, sacred texts, and so on.

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• Identify a genre of texts that you want to analyze and compare. The texts can be anything that is accessible to you: marketing materials, student essays, cover letters, resumes, advertisements, web pages, posts to social media outlets, e-mails, official statements, sacred texts, and so on.

• Identify a genre of texts that you want to analyze and compare. The texts can be anything that is accessible to you: marketing materials, student essays, cover letters, resumes, advertisements, web pages, posts to social media outlets, e-mails, official statements, sacred texts, and so on.
• Identify at least two different cultural or social contexts in which you can find this genre of texts. These contexts can be different cultures or countries, or they can be different age groups, religious communities, or genders.
• Make an argument (thesis) for how the texts’ similar and/or different features are influenced by their respective cultural or social contexts and rhetorical situations.
(( I AM AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT )) please make the essay as simple as you can and use simple and easy words.

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