How and why did American society industrialize during the late nineteenth century?

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How and why did American society industrialize during the late nineteenth century?

Essay Questions: For the essay part of the exam (take home; upload to Dropbox); answer one of the following questions. Your answer should be a minimum of two typed pages, double-spaced. Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, one-inch margins. How and why did American society industrialize during the late nineteenth century? What led to political change and progressive reform movements (be specific—discuss political changes and what reforms?)? What were the causes and consequences of urbanization? How did the United States emerge as a world power by 1914? Be specific—discuss the example of the Panama Canal, the liberation of Cuba in the Spanish American War and subsequent “imperialist” kinds of actions. Why did racial, ethnic, and gender divisions arise in American society between the end of Reconstruction and the 1920s? What were the divisions and what were they based on?

((use from the book only))Dont use Out side sourses The Teacher can Tell!!

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