State your opinion on the piece(s) and why you feel that way. Historical facts, observations on formal element on the piece(s) and emotional responses in your discourse

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State your opinion on the piece(s) and why you feel that way. Historical facts, observations on formal element on the piece(s) and emotional responses in your discourse

A Reaction paper is a paper about a work or works of art that you have seen in person at a museum or gallery. For the purposes of this paper, you will be required to go to a site an exhibition the quarter that you are taking the class. Your opinion must go beyond “I like it” or “I don’t like it” and move into an intellectual discourse on why you like or dislike about the artwork; You cannot use any outside information on the artwork; you must only use your knowledge, not anything printed on the wall or in catalogs. The only information that you can use from the museum is the name of the artist, name of the piece, date and medium of the work.

The Reaction paper will be at least 500 words and will consist of your reviewing anywhere from 1 to 3 works of art. All papers must be types, using a 12- point font (no script fonts allowing) and double- spaced. Include your name, my name, day and time of the class and title of the paper.

Some steps in writing a successful Reaction Paper

1. You must visit the show you want to write about in person

2. Describe the piece that you are writing about. Include the artist name, the name of the work, size, medium, and date that is completed.

3. Make an attempt to guess what the artist’s purpose for the piece was both formally and conceptually (content wise). Use evidence from your observations to backup any judgments you make.

4. State your opinion on the piece(s) and why you feel that way. Historical facts, observations on formal element on the piece(s) and emotional responses in your discourse

5. Always refer to the artist by their full name when you first introduce them. In subsequent references to the artist, use their last name (surname) only.

6. Take advantage of the Writing Lab Assistance on your paper.

Additional Information to include

You can included this in the essay and reword it differently.

(My experience at the museum)

The museum I visited was NSU Museum in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It was a very big museum, and I had an amazing experience being there seeing the different artwork their at the museum. This particular painting caught my eye out of everything that I saw because it was such an unusual piece of artwork.



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