An elevator speech is an excellent way to convey your skills while networking and seeking employment. Typically, an elevator speech is a one-minute summary of who you are, why you are qualified, and what you have to offer the organization or industry. A brief sales pitch will ensure that you are prepared to discuss your career goals whenever the opportunity presents itself. Some examples of where you could use your elevator speech are at a networking event, during a job interview, or in a social setting.
Watch The Elevator Pitch Career Spots video (3:25 minutes) as an example.
The role of HR is to help make business successful through great people and people management. In an elevator speech, elaborate on the key skills required to be an effective human resource professional, as well as some of the challenges in acquiring those skills. Utilize PowerPoint to record your elevator speech.
Speech should include but not limit to the following:
Who you are?
Why are you qualified?
What skills do you have to offer the organization or industry?
What challenges you face in acquiring those skills?