Your company manufactures pizza ovens. You sell these ovens to pizza parlors, ranging from the local “mom and pop” operations found in just about every city and town to major chains such as Papa Gino’s, Pizza Hut, etc. You generally use your own sales force. This assignment will be submitted to Blackboard in two pieces: your Excel spreadsheet with your answers to questions 1a and b, 2a and b, and 4a; and your Word document with your answers to the rest of the questions. Note that this should be a “working” spreadsheet and include formulas in the cells.

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Your company manufactures pizza ovens. You sell these ovens to pizza parlors, ranging from the local “mom and pop” operations found in just about every city and town to major chains such as Papa Gino’s, Pizza Hut, etc. You generally use your own sales force. This assignment will be submitted to Blackboard in two pieces: your Excel spreadsheet with your answers to questions 1a and b, 2a and b, and 4a; and your Word document with your answers to the rest of the questions. Note that this should be a “working” spreadsheet and include formulas in the cells.

Your company manufactures pizza ovens.  You sell these ovens to pizza parlors, ranging from the local “mom and pop” operations found in just about every city and town to major chains such as Papa Gino’s, Pizza Hut, etc.  You generally use your own sales force.        This assignment will be submitted to Blackboard in two pieces:  your Excel spreadsheet with your answers to questions 1a and b, 2a and b, and 4a; and your Word document with your answers to the rest of the questions. Note that this should be a “working” spreadsheet and include formulas in the cells.  No credit will be given for a non-working spreadsheet.  This spreadsheet must be your own work—submitting spreadsheets that are the same as or look suspiciously similar to your classmates’ constitutes cheating and will not be tolerated.  In your Word document, please make clear which question you are answering.  Note that I do not need the questions repeated in your document; the number and letter as appropriate will be fine.

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