Discuss each leader’s style of authority, how and why they rule over their subjects, what roles, duties, and responsibilities they hold, and the values each one embodies.

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Discuss each leader’s style of authority, how and why they rule over their subjects, what roles, duties, and responsibilities they hold, and the values each one embodies.

xamine Gilgamesh (The Epic of Gilgamesh), Senwosret (the Egyptian pharaoh in The Tale of Sinuhe), Pericles (Pericles’ Funeral Oration), and Augustus (Life of the Divine Augustus, Res Gestae). Discuss each leader’s style of
authority, how and why they rule over their subjects, what roles, duties, and responsibilities they hold, and the values each one embodies. Likewise, compare and contrast the governments and individuals presented, developing an argument regarding the evolution of government and leadership over time.

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