Extra-Credit Research Project:
(1) Beginning with Henry Fountain’s “Proof Positive that People See Colors with the Tongue,” Sharon Begley’s “Why Language May Shape Our Thoughts”, Lera Boroditsky’s “How Does Our Language Shape the Way We Think?”, and the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy’s “The Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis,” locate and examine two additional sources (books, magazines, encyclopedia entries, websites, or online documents) dealing with linguistic relativity.
(2) Create an annotated bibliography for these sources, in accordance with the guidelines explained at the UNC and Purdue OWL websites above. Describe the kind of source and the perspective each adopts toward LRH.
(3) Based on these six texts and on your own observations and experience, write an essay in which you discuss your current view of LRH, its validity, and its importance. Refer to each of your sources in your discussion, remembering to use quotation marks when using an author’s words, and parenthetically citing each source from which you borrow ideas or information.