Does this section demonstrate your knowledge of the literature and make a critical link with the research question to be investigated?

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Does this section demonstrate your knowledge of the literature and make a critical link with the research question to be investigated?

I have the project already no (81461765) but I need to make some change in it, I received this email from my university and I need to change the title and reduce the word in course work B , the same project that made by you with same sources. thanks,

I suggest you to work on the below improvements in order to obtain a pass grade this time.


Please note that your research title should have both dependent and independent variable in it, without them you are unable to focus on an in depth analysis with results and outcomes.

Please strictly follow the guidelines sent by me on research title / topic selection and formation and re-work on the CW A requirements.


Since I have asked you to include independent and dependent variable to the title and re-word the title either on the same area or in a different area, you are required to update / re-work on the CW B as well in line with CW A. Please strictly follow the guidelines provided by myself under the mails to attempt CW B. The word count should be only 2500 in the submitted CW B there are over 6000 words which is unacceptable.

Coursework B (80%)

Instructions: Prepare a research proposal. Consider: Structure and Specific Marking Criteria

Word Limit: 2,500 words

Please see the below for the coursework B (80%) Introduction to RMBM, marking Criteria:

1. Introduction

• Does the introduction to the topic clarify the significance of what the research is meant to present?

• Does it hold the following information?

– Research aims

– Research objectives

– Research questions

2. Literature review

• Does this section demonstrate your knowledge of the literature and make a critical link with the research question to be investigated?

• Have at least 6 sources to underpin the study been critically evaluated?

• Has the critical activity produced a conceptual framework?

3. Research Design and Methodology

• Does this section provide a detailed rationale of how the research objectives are meant to be achieved?

• Have the following areas been addressed?

– Type of investigation:

i. Exploratory

ii. Descriptive

iii. Hypothesis testing study

– Data collection method:

i. Data collection method (e.g. postal questionnaire, telephone interview, focus group, etc) and why this fits the purpose of research.

– Sampling method:

i. Probability or non-probability

ii. Specific sampling technique.

– Accessibility issues:

i. What accessibility issues that are likely to be encountered when you collect the data?

ii. How will they be managed?

– Ethical issues:

i. Have the ethical issues relevant to the research topic, participants, and method been discussed?

ii. How will they be dealt with?

– Data analysis plan:

i. How will the data be analysed?

– Research limitations:

i. Have limitations been defined?

4. Timetable and References

• Has the timeline been illustrated? (e.g. through a Gantt chart or any other method to show the use of available time to complete the proposed research)

• Has the plan been justified?

• Has a reference list been included with all the sources that were cited and consulted in writing the research proposal?

• Has the Harvard Style of referencing been adhered to?

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