State and explain values and ethics of individuals.

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State and explain values and ethics of individuals.

Every individual has personal values that influence decisions he or she makes every day. The nature of social work can make it difficult for social workers to separate personal values and professional ethics. Like other helping professions, social work has a code of ethics to guide social workers when they make professional decisions and uphold the professional values of the profession. One of the most important responsibilities of social workers is to uphold the professional values of the social work profession when working with clients. The social work code of ethics influences the professional values that social workers use in day-to-day work. Being able to separate personal and professional values in each circumstance is an essential skill for social workers.For this Application Assignment, view the media piece. Think about conflicts between personal values and professional code of ethics that social workers might encounter when working with the clients. Analyze conflicts between personal values and professional codes of ethics. 

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