Provide an overview of the purposes of job analysis.

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Provide an overview of the purposes of job analysis.

Conduct independent research on o*net, which is a US DOL site, to find a recruiter, employment coordinator, or other human resources position. Perform a brief job analysis; then in a 3 page paper address the following:

  • Provide an overview of the purposes of job analysis
  • Discuss key points about the tasks comprising job analysis
  • Create a job description that includes the following:
    • Job title and identifying information
    • Job specifications
    • Essential job functions (no more than 9)
  • Provide your conclusion and make sure to adress the importance of job analysis
  • Be sure to use APA style with at least two sources cited

    Overview of the Purposes of Job Analysis (This HEADING is centered on the page)

    Key Points About the Tasks Comprising Job Analysis (This HEADING is centered on the page)

    Job Description Information (This HEADING is centered on the page)

    The 4 discussions below are flush against the left column

    Job Description:

    Job Title and identifying Information:

    Job Specifications:

    Essential Job Functions:

    Conclusion and the Importance of Job Analysis (This HEADING is centered on the page)


Phillips, J. M., Gully, S. M. (03/2014). Strategic Staffing, 3rd Edition. [Bookshelf Ambassadored]. Retrieved from 

Papers not following the example above of using these HEADINGS will be assessed an automatic 6 point penalty (- 6 points)

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