Create a presentation discussing the major toxicological concerns, including possible sources of exposure, symptoms of toxicity, and health risks to humans.

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Create a presentation discussing the major toxicological concerns, including possible sources of exposure, symptoms of toxicity, and health risks to humans.

PowerPoint Presentation
Pretend that you are participating in a public safety awareness forum and that you have been selected to deliver a presentation on the health risks of one of the toxic substance categories that we have covered in this unit. Create an eight- to ten-slide PowerPoint Presentation discussing the major toxicological concerns, including possible sources of exposure, symptoms of toxicity, and health risks to humans. Be sure to cite references on your last slide in proper APA format. You may either utilize the speakers’ notes feature to type the script of what you would say if you were to present the PowerPoint

Toxic Substance choices:
Toxicity of Metals
Over-the-Counter Preparations
Food Additives and Contaminants
Toxicity of Pesticides

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