A measured distance was 921.36 ft and the correct (calibrated) length of the tape is 100.06 ft. Determine the correct measured distance.

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A measured distance was 921.36 ft and the correct (calibrated) length of the tape is 100.06 ft. Determine the correct measured distance.

Assignment 3
CM 214 Name:_________________________
Grade:___________/65 pts________

(5 pts) A measured distance was 921.36 ft and the correct (calibrated) length of the tape is 100.06 ft. Determine the correct measured distance.

(5 pts) A measured distance of 750.08 ft and the correct length of the tape is 99.96 ft. Determine the correct measured distance.

(15 pts) It is desired to lay off horizontal distances for a building that measures 725.00 ft x 180.00 ft. The correct tape length is 100.06 ft. What field distances should be used with this tape so that the correct dimensions of the building are obtained?

(5 pts) A recorded distance was measured as 634.55 ft at a temperature of 35 degrees. The standardized tape was noted at 68 degrees. What is the correct distance measured?

(10 pts) A distance was measured at a temperature of 16?F and was found to be 2810.70 ft. If the tape has a standardized length of 99.98 ft at 68?, what is the correct distance measured?

(15 pts) A length of 642.56 ft was measured with a tape calibrated as 99.85 ft at 68?F and 12# of pull on flat ground. The temperature at the time of measurement was 86? F. 18# of pull was applied consistently on the tape for each measurement. The area of the tape is 0.0025 sqaure inches. What is the actual distance measured?

(10 pts) This problem considers the effects of sag on measurement. A 100.00 ft tape weighs 11 pounds. A distance of 648.25 ft was measured using 20# of pull each time. What is the actual distance measured considering only sag?

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