Suggest one (1) key influence that managers within a flat organizational structure may exert on an organization, as opposed to the impact of managers with specialized skills in a hierarchical structure.

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Suggest one (1) key influence that managers within a flat organizational structure may exert on an organization, as opposed to the impact of managers with specialized skills in a hierarchical structure.

Modern Management

“Flat Organizational Structure and Change Management” Please respond to the following:
Suggest one (1) key influence that managers within a flat organizational structure may exert on an organization, as opposed to the impact of managers with specialized skills in a hierarchical structure. Provide support for your rationale.
Imagine that you are a manager responsible for implementing a significant technology change within an organization. Suggest how most employees are likely to react to the change. Indicate one (1) way in which you would minimize the impact of this reaction to the change management process. Provide support for your suggestion.
Law, Ethics and Corp.

“Environmental Responsibility” Please respond to the following:
From the e-Activity, determine two (2) other costs that BP might have incurred. Give your opinion as to whether or not BP would have been better off had the company taken the necessary precautions to prevent or minimize an oil spill. Support your answers.
Give your opinion on whether governments should be able to rezone and condemn residential land and displace homeowners in the process, in order to facilitate commercial development. Explain your rationale.

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