Diet can be a key risk factor for cancer.

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Diet can be a key risk factor for cancer.

Diet can be a key risk factor for cancer.

Write an essay describing at least three general dietary strategies for cancer prevention involving diet. Include eight foods that would be good anti-cancer dietary choices.
Paper instructions:
Diet can be a key risk factor for cancer. Write an essay describing at least three general dietary strategies for cancer prevention involving diet. Include eight foods that would be good anti-cancer dietary choices.

Performance Statement: An essay, as defined in this course, is a short, written communication regarding issues or topics that are identified within the course. The purpose of the essay is to provide the reader with key information about an issue in a limited number of words. The essay should be from one to two pages and must follow the format noted below. Students must show evidence of critically analyzing the topic or issue under discussion. Students should read the Exercise Guides to determine the topics of the essays to be addressed and the grading value assigned to each.


The Introduction clearly defines the topic under discussion and has a strong and concise thesis statement. More than adequate background information is provided that gives the reader a clear understanding of the issue or topic.


Content is comprehensive, accurate and persuasive. Major points are stated clearly.

Critical Analysis of Topic/Issue

Information and personal thoughts are organized and understood. Key information regarding the topic or issue is critically analyzed and discussed. Information and personal thoughts are clearly presented and are well organize, unified and coherent.


The rules of grammar and punctuation are followed. Spelling is correct. Language is clear and easily understood by reader

Conclusion/Personal Response

Identifies and thoroughly discusses implications and conclusions of topic. Formulates a clear and precise personal point of view concerning the issue

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