Discuss the historical and contemporary aspects of your topic: Classism

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Discuss the historical and contemporary aspects of your topic: Classism

Topic: Classism

  • Discuss the historical and contemporary aspects of your topic.
  • ?  Discuss current public policy debates relevant to the topic you choose. This section should cover proposed solutions to

    problems related to your topic and arguments in favor of and opposed to those solutions.

  • ?  Express your personal opinion regarding the proposed solutions and arguments.
  • ?  It is expected that you have the following:

o A title page

o The body of the paper: 4?6 pages of text, double?spaced, 12 point font with clear and understandable language

with no grammar or spelling errors. Provide adequate justification that supports your response with at least three

appropriate references using textbooks, websites, and articles are required.

o Subheadings (historical and contemporary aspects, public policy, and personal opinion/conclusion.)

o Appropriate in?text citations throughout paper

o A reference page with only the sources that you used in the body of the paper. Sources should be less than 5 years

old unless there has not been recent research available. At least one reference must be a peer?reviewed article from a profession journal. Do not use Wikipedia or encyclopedia as they are not considered a reliable academic source to use.

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