Discussion 5
U.S. public policy reflects four approaches to defining disability.
Discussion 6
o Define the terms oppression and discrimination. Discuss differences between the two terms.
o How have American social welfare policies been used both as mechanisms for oppression and discrimination? How can social policy be used to advance social and economic justice? Be specific/give examples. Discuss.
Discussion 7
o Discuss problems or issues in providing services to abused and neglected children. Discuss current attempts and possible solutions to address these issues. Justify your answer with a brief argument.
o Identify and discuss what you believe to be the most important policy issue facing children today. Why do you think this policy issue is so important?
Discussion 9
Choose and respond to one of the following two sets of questions:
o Discuss the Older Americans Act. What are some of the provisions of the OAA and the tensions surrounding OAA programs? Discuss.
o Identify and discuss (a minimum of 5 sentences) what you believe to be the most important policy issue facing the elderly today. What would be a fair/just policy for dealing with this issue?
Discussion 10
Go to U.S. Department of Labor website http://www.dol.gov. Review the current unemployment rate and any other reports or statistics that are of interest to you. Report and discuss some of your findings and impressions. You might, for example, choose to report and discuss your findings on youth unemployment.
Go to go to http://www.un.org/Overview/rights.html and read the overview of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Do any of the articles arouse strong sentiment? Identify and discuss some of the articles which are not consistent with U.S. law. Should the U.S. adopt and endorse the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Why has the U.S. not fully adopted and endorse this document? Discuss.