How do you explain the relatively rapid rise and expansion of Islam from its Arabian craddle to territories thus far dominated by powerful states and cultures throughout Asia, North Africa, and Southern Europe?

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How do you explain the relatively rapid rise and expansion of Islam from its Arabian craddle to territories thus far dominated by powerful states and cultures throughout Asia, North Africa, and Southern Europe?


The instructor will assign 2 papers. The topic of each paper will be posted on Desire2Learn one week before the paper is due. The paper should be double space, a minimum of 3 pages and a maximum of 5 pages long. Students are expected to use at least a total of 5 academic references (reference journal articles or books) in their papers. The paper will be graded based on 5 criteria: content, language/clarity, references, organization and completeness. Late papers will not be accepted unless accompanied by a documented excuse.

The purpose of the papers and the library paper is two-fold: 1) To stimulate students to think more profoundly about questions covered in the course and formulate their ideas on them; 2) To help students write effectively an historical essay.

Topic for the essay:

“How do you explain the relatively rapid rise and expansion of Islam from its Arabian craddle to territories thus far dominated by powerful states and cultures throughout Asia, North Africa, and Southern Europe? What do you think contributed to the relatively rapid success of Islamic expansion in these parts of the world from the middle of the seventh century on? “

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