Should the government revamp the PSLE grading system of using T-scores?

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Should the government revamp the PSLE grading system of using T-scores?

1000 word- Argumentative essay

Should the government revamp the PSLE grading system of using T-scores?

The introduction -150 words

-Background knowledge regarding psle the scoring system (100 words)

-End with a thesis statement. Provide a brief outline of the essay and explain why the issue is important for readers (50 words)

First main point 250 words

support your thesis statement, providing evidence and examples. Then argue to support your thesis.

Second main point 250 words

support your thesis statement, providing evidence and examples. Then argue to support your thesis.

Counter agrument 250

Acknowledge some readers objections. Then provide with agree or disagree. Explain why you agree or disagree then influence the reader, or rather convince the reader. Then explain.

conclusion 100 words

reinstate your thesis statement again.

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