How would you monitor your compliance management program and who would be responsible for ensuring this compliance?

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How would you monitor your compliance management program and who would be responsible for ensuring this compliance?

Plan and Establish Compliance Management Systems BSBCOM603


  1. How would you monitor your compliance management program and who would be responsible for ensuring this compliance?
  • KEY ANSWER: Compliance Officer. How? To monitor it, everyday reviewing. Internal audit, review complaints, gather feedback data analysis and monitor data analysis.
  1. What other staff would need to be involved in the establishment of the compliance management program?
  • KEY ANSWER: Compliance officer, IT, finance, get feedback from the employee because they do the day to day work, get feedback from the suppliers if compliance of their product deliver safety to use.
  1. What staff members would be involved in the monitoring of the compliance management system?
  • KEY ANSWER: IT people, finance, HR (get from them some data)
  1. How often should you conduct reviews of the compliance management system and what other staff members would be involved and how?
  • KEY ANSWER: Compliance officer, auditor, IT, how often what challenges. Suppliers, what their interaction of the system if they get accurate from the system. Customers feedback about their complaints.
  1. What reports would you be required to prepare to review the compliance management system in accordance with established procedures and any statutory or other compliance obligations?
  • KEY ANSWER: reports must require, business system, data system (reports about tax), WHS report (how many accidents happened), Summary report every quarter of the month to be present to member of the board.
  1. How is non-compliance with the Compliance Policy dealt with?
  • KEY ANSWER: Policies and procedures have to be look at for somebody and have to be documented. What was the era and was the non-compliance? Why did it happen? Fix the problem and act very quickly because if no, we can break the law. It might be happened because lack of training and somebody don’t know what to do

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