Did the policy leaders use the utilitarian premise of “The end justifies the means” to get the policy known asObamacare passed?

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Did the policy leaders use the utilitarian premise of “The end justifies the means” to get the policy known asObamacare passed?

Compassionate Health Care


1a. Share your opinion: Did the policy leaders use the utilitarian premise of “The end justifies the means” to get the policy known asObamacare passed?

Policy leaders did use the utilitarian premise of “The end justifies the means” to get Obamacare passed.  After years of failures with health care reform, enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was done in 2010. Obamacare learned from prior failures and made sure to correct those mistakes so it would not be a failure again.  The most important decision that reformers made in 2009 was to work with, rather than against, health system stakeholders (insurance companies). The Clinton administration fought an unsuccessful two-front war against the insurance industry and the small-business lobby. In 2009, the Obama administration stopped any stakeholder opposition. The administration negotiated deals with health industry groups to support reform in exchange for the promise of newly insured patients to treat. These deals included promises from Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) and the American Hospital Association to contribute to health reform financing through reduced Medicare and Medicaid payments (Oberlander, 2010)

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