Compare and contrast the key features of the following models of decision making: the Rational Model, the Carnegie Model, the Incrementalist Model, the Unstructured Model, and the Garbage-Can Model.

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Compare and contrast the key features of the following models of decision making: the Rational Model, the Carnegie Model, the Incrementalist Model, the Unstructured Model, and the Garbage-Can Model.

As noted in Jones, decision making is an “inherently uncertain process in which managers grope for solutions that may or may not lead to outcomes favorable to organizational stakeholders” (2012). Managers rely on both programmed (easy, repetitive, and routine) and non-programmed (creative, novel, and unstructured) models of decision making.

Compare and contrast the key features of the following models of decision making: the Rational Model, the Carnegie Model, the Incrementalist Model, the Unstructured Model, and the Garbage-Can Model. What model of decision making is most likely to be used at each of the following types of businesses? Explain your answer.

  1. a produce warehouse facility in the early phases of the organizational life cycle
  2. a retail dry cleaning operation in the growth phase of the organizational life cycle
  3. a hospital medical laboratory at a mature or stable phase of the organizational life cycl

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