What is the difference between You-Messages and I-Messages? Give examples of each.

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What is the difference between You-Messages and I-Messages? Give examples of each.

Managing Interpersonal Conflict Discussion

What is the difference between You-Messages and I-Messages? Give examples of each. Why is it important to know the differences between these two ways of sending a message?
How do I-messages reduce conflict, based on your experiences? What must be done? Is it difficult for you, or others with whom you are in contact, to use I-messages properly? If so, why do you think I-messages are not used more?
I-messages take responsibility for our feelings, our actions, and our perceptions of others; why, then, do these messages allow the other person to be less defensive? Give some examples to demonstrate that you understand the precision and scope of composing and sending I-messages. If these work well in reducing conflict communication, then why do so many of us continue to use “you-messages” when we are angry or upset? How can we change (break this habit?)? What must we be willing to do differently?
The chapter discusses 5 different Conflict Communication Strategies–what are these? Which ones are the best ones to use, according to the text? And, which one(s) create the most problems in your experience(s) with conflict communication? Please share your experiences and understanding.
What, from our book’s point of view, is the difference between Aggressive Communication and Assertive Communication? How does our book suggest we cultivate Assertiveness, and Argumentativeness, and why do you think this is important for many of us to do when we find ourselves in Interpersonal Conflict situations?
Practice effective Conflict Communication Strategies for several days, and share your experiences with our class. It’s easy to blame, and easy to make it look like we are sending I-messages when we are really accusing the other party; it’s also easy for some of us to avoid conflicts, or make them much worse by how we handle them. It is much harder, and takes good communication skills, for many of us to assume responsibility for all that we are perceiving in a conflict situation,and reduce the conflict by being assertive and argumentative, according to the text. Why? SHARE WHAT YOU ARE LEARNING from studying and applying the methods in this chapter.

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