What is your assessment of the power dynamics of the job you are now in or want, in terms of critical dependencies and interdependencies, and potential sources of political instability?

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What is your assessment of the power dynamics of the job you are now in or want, in terms of critical dependencies and interdependencies, and potential sources of political instability?

Your paper should address the following four broad questions:

What is your assessment of the power dynamics of the job you are now in or want, in terms of critical dependencies and interdependencies, and potential sources of political instability?

What sources of power and influence skills will be necessary for you to be effective in your work? What power gaps can you identify for which you must find ways of compensating or filling in?

How do your likely sources of power meet the influence requirements of your work, or the job you hope to get?

What is your plan for developing the sources of power, influence skills, and relationships necessary for you to be effective during the next three to twelve months?

You are urged to employ whatever technology you can to render your paper highly professional in appearance.
Added on 28.04.2016 15:59
Power and Influence

Course Objectives:

At the conclusion of this course the student will be able to:
Develop conceptual understanding of power and influence
Develop diagnostic skills to analyze work relationships
Develop action planning and implementation skills
Assess your influence style and its impact
Outline a personal learning agenda

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