Describe the Buddhist concept of no-self and bodhicitta by using the relevant sources from our class and then present your argument as to whether you agree or not agree with the Buddhist idea that the understanding of no-self and bodhicitta complement each other.
the book we use in class is :Gethin, Rupert. The Foundations of Buddihsm. Oxford University Press 1998
Write an introductory paragraph laying out the project of the essay by describing the significance of the no-self concept and bodhicitta
Devote roughly a page to the discussion of no-self
Devote roughly a page to the discussion of bodhicitta
Devote roughly a page to your argument
Write a concluding paragraph summarizing your points and thoughts
If you are quoting a passage from our reading materials, give the last name of the author and page number in parenthesis (e.g. (Gethin, 20). Please do not cite more than three lines for each page and do not consult any external sources.