Discuss the use of a binary tree when searching for keys in a linked list.

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Discuss the use of a binary tree when searching for keys in a linked list.

Must Be original codes and writing

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The first two Individual Projects used linked lists for stacks, queues, and hashing implementations. With this task, searching performance with linked lists will be addressed.

Part 1: Your tasks for this assignment are the following:

  1. Discuss the use of a binary tree when searching for keys in an array.
  2. Discuss the use of a binary tree when searching for keys in a linked list.

Part 2: Complete the following program:

  1. Describe a linked list structure to support binary searching.
  2. Create pseudo code to describe a binary search with this linked list variation.

Week 4 Deliverables:

  • Summary of binary search with an array.
  • Summary of binary search with a linked list.
  • 1 fully documented pseudo code implementation of a linked list useful for b

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