International Business Management
The essay should demonstrate understanding of the relevant theory, with application
to examples. The essay should be 2800-3200 words, excluding referencing.
The following is the essay topic:
“For a multinational enterprise (MNE), what are relative advantages/disadvantages
for exporting and importing? How can the corporate strategy best be served by,
respectively, exporting and importing processes? You should support your argument
with one or more critical case studies”
The basic format of the essay should be a theory, concept or approach which is
critically analyzed. Then a case study or practical examples should be presented that
not only illustrates how the theory can be applied, but also reveals further critical
insights into the theory itself. The conclusion should demonstrate how the case study
can lead to an improvement in the theory.
Student should make all efforts to avoid plagiarism by reading and reflecting on the
information sources before committing their own thoughts to paper; there is never a
reason to copy, although quotations may be occasionally appropriate. Correct Harvard
style referencing should always be used.