How is the media related to social class? Are lower class people influenced or persuaded to watch different channels or buy different products than the middle class or higher class people? How, please explain and use examples.

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How is the media related to social class? Are lower class people influenced or persuaded to watch different channels or buy different products than the middle class or higher class people? How, please explain and use examples.

Discussion # 1

Please respond to one (1) of the following questions and be sure to include it with your response:
Review the six (6) rules of critical thinking discussed on pages 8-9 in the textbook. Determine the rule that you believe to be the most challenging and provide a rationale for your response.

Examine the three (3) key sociological theories discussed in the chapter—structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Discuss the key ways that these different theories define deviance and punishment in society.

How is the media related to social class? Are lower class people influenced or persuaded to watch different channels or buy different products than the middle class or higher class people? How, please explain and use examples.

Two paragraphs please

Reply to a classmate
Courtney wrote:
After reviewing all six rules of critical thinking, I determined that number six (be willing to admit when you are wrong or uncertain about your results) would be the hardest. In my opinion, admitting doing/saying something wrong takes more willpower than anything else when having a discussion/panel about any topic. We’ve all heard the saying “We’ll agree to disagree”, but that saying is factual at all. Someone is either right or wrong. Opinions only go so far. This is where the individual has to examine if he/she has “won” the discussion or needs to concede in an appropriate manner while admitting that he/she didn’t know the information that was given to them. A great example is with this past U.S. election cycle. If you review all six rules, most people already do the first five without thinking about it. People ask difficult questions, sometimes to catch the other party off guard. Most people are thinking as logically/clear as they can. Evidence can be found by clicking a few buttons on your phone even though most of the media outlets have some sort of bias. This goes directly towards the bias of the person who’s critically thinking. Avoiding anecdotal evidence is as easy as not looking into resources like clickbait. That type of evidence can be eliminated with some common sense. After all that discussion, someone needs to admit they’re right or wrong and accept it. It’s not the end of the world, and chances are both parties learned something about the subject being discussed.

One paragraph please

Discussion # 2
Please respond to one (1) of the following questions and be sure to included with your answer:
Read “Zimbardo’s Experiment: The Individual and the Social Role,” located on page 48 of the textbook. Discuss one (1) alternative approach to the one used in the Zimbardo experiment to investigate how role expectations shape behavior. Provide a rationale for your response.

Using Table 3.1: “Values, Norms, Folkways, Mores, Taboos, Laws, and Beliefs” on page 56 of the textbook; describe the culture, class, and language of your community. Suggest one (1) area that needs further research. Provide a rationale for your response.

If you could change something about “your world” what would it be and why? OK- now what steps you will need to take to make it happen and what prevents you from doing it?
Please respond to this one
Two paragraphs please

Reply to a classmate

Courtney wrote
I really enjoy this question, because with out question the one thing I would change about “my world” would be my work schedule. I never have 2 set days off during the week, they change each week, as do the hours I work each day. I could work 8-5, 11-8. and sometimes even 8-8. I would love to have a Monday-Friday 8-5 job for many reasons. A set schedule would allow me to be in a set routine, which I thrive to have more than anything; something as simple as being able to have a set schedule of going to the gym is impossible with my current position. Also knowing what 2 days i’ll have off each week would change so much for me, from being able to hang out with my friends with out having to plan it a month in advance due to such different schedules, making my siblings sports and school events. Some steps I could take to make this happen would be one, finishing this degree (since most places do require at minimum bachelors degree) to receive the pay rate I have now I know having my degree will be critical to achieve that! Some other steps I could take would be networking with other departments within my company that do offer 8-5 positions. I am pro actively taking these steps already so there isn’t really anything thus far that has prevented me from taking these steps. Only thing I could wish for would be 48 hour days instead of 24!
One paragraph please

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