Introduction to Business Law

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Introduction to Business Law

It is assignment 2 for Introduction to Business Law.

it just required answer the question with relevant cases. BUt please can you use Law in Commerce book 4th or 5th edition Brendan Sweeney, Jennifer O’Reilly, Andrew Coleman. for relevant cases.

the word limit 1500 words as total written and reference.
In reference the book, use Australian Guid to Legal Citation (AGLC).


Read your assignment instructions carefully to make sure you are responding to the question or questions set. Many students are disappointed with their results because they have not followed the assignment instructions carefully. Also ensure that you have read any assessment criteria provided and that you develop your responses with reference to those criteria.
One of the overall objectives of this educational course is to produce graduates who can present written material free of grammatical, punctuation and spelling mistakes. Accordingly, your work will be marked with this objective in mind and your mark will reflect any deficiencies in these areas.
Presentation requirements may differ between units, however, unless instructed otherwise you must comply with the following:
Your written material must be referenced in accordance with the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (AGLC). The latest edition of this guide can be downloaded from It is available in Read-Only Adobe so it cannot be copied or printed. It can be purchased in hard copy from Melbourne University Law Review, Law School, The University of Melbourne, Victoria, 3010.
Footnotes (not endnotes or in-text referencing) must be used. Revise them carefully to avoid errors in grammar and spelling.
A bibliography including all sources must be included at the end of your paper.
Assignments must be prepared using a software package and comply with the following:
1.5 spacing;
either Times New Roman or Arial font;
a font size of 12 point;
a minimum of 2.5 cm margins;
include name and/or student number on each page;
number pages;

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