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How are analytics being used to improve business operations – ticket pricing, sales, sponsorships?

Guest Speaker Assignment
Write a 2-3 page paper answering the following questions that the guest speaker addressed:
· How are analytics being used to improve business operations – ticket pricing, sales, sponsorships?
· What analytics do leading pro teams and leagues use for basketball, baseball, football, and soccer? How quickly are analytics being adopted? Who is leading? What are they doing?
· How do analytic techniques used in business apply to sports? Where are there gaps? What are interesting research problems in sports analytics?
· How can other parts of the university, like the business school or stats or computer science departments, collaborate with sports programs to provide analytics for teams? What are good first projects to launch?
· Could we do “Moneyball at Bryant”? What have other universities done?
Here is the link to the video in case you need a refresher:

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