topic relevant to the historical or current perspectives for assessment and intervention regarding a speech, language, or communication disorder in children

Zambia Discussion Questions
August 5, 2017
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August 5, 2017
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topic relevant to the historical or current perspectives for assessment and intervention regarding a speech, language, or communication disorder in children

select a topic relevant to the historical or current perspectives for assessment and intervention regarding a speech, language, or communication disorder in children to be approved by the instructor. Each student is expected to conduct a thorough search of the available research literature regarding your topic, select a minimum of 10 published references which support your topic.

The paper should include: the nature of the disorder, present and historic assessment and treatment techniques for the disorder, current evidence based research regarding treatment approaches, and any relevant published information as it pertains to culturally and linguistically diverse populations who may be affected by this disorder. Finished product should be between 12-15 pages and include a minimum of 10 published references which support your topic. Submission of a written draft is required by the specified date for instructor’s review. The student will submit the final version of the research paper by the specified date. The final grade is an average of both the draft and final versions.

Annotated Bibliography: submit five (5) written annotated bibliographies from your selected research literature. Bibliography should be written in APA style along with a brief summary of the published reference.

Professional Journals: Students must use at least five (5) professional journals as part of the total ten (10) references for the paper. You must use the LIU library resources and reference desk to request publications. The following are suggested journals:

American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
Annals of Dyslexia
Contemporary Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders
Journal of Child Language
Journal of Communication Disorders
Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research
Language, Speech, and Hearing in the Schools
Reading Research Quarterly
Topics in Language Disorders
Perspectives on School Based Issues- ASHA
Perspectives on Augmentative and Alternative Communication- ASHA

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