Analyze why and how certain film making techniques are used in a film ……

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Analyze why and how certain film making techniques are used in a film ……

Boggs, J. M. & Petric, D. W. (2008). The art of watching films. (7th ed). New York: McGraw- Hill. ISBN: 0073535079. Irving, J. (2000). My movie business. New York: Random House. ISBN: 0345441303.

To assess your ability to:
analyze the fictional and dramatic elements of a film
evaluate the editing function of a film
critique the sound effects in a film
critique acting in a film
evaluate the theme(s) of a film
analyze why and how certain film making techniques are used in a film
analyze the contexts of a film
apply different approaches in film analysis
Discuss major techniques supporting the theme, make an allusion (reference) to another film, and comment on an historical or cultural relevance to the film.
Action Items
Safe Haven ( 2013) movie- Write a four -page, double-spaced paper, including the following requirements. Cover sheet and “References” page are excluded in the page count. No binder or plastic cover.
Refer to your textbook’s writing appendix for a sample analysis.
Include the following in your cover sheet:

a- your name
b- date
c- title of the film (underline it)
d- year of the film when it was produced
f- director(s)
g- writer(s)
h- cinematographer(s)
i- two or three major stars in the film and their characters’ names

4- Use the same theme analysis instruction as appeared in Film Mini Analysis.
5- Refer to at least one book or two articles on the film and/or its contexts (the articles may be Internet sources). Be careful to select reputable scholarship in all instances.
6- Check the bibliography at the end of each chapter of The Art of Watching Films and the web for research suggestions. Our librarians are always a valuable source.
7- Use APA documentation style. In-text citations are required. (A sample paper with APA style).
8- Citations for the films you are referencing must be included in the reference page.

9- Write a full analysis of one shot relevant to the theme (e.g., shot type, proxemics, angle, lighting, composition, motif, etc.).

10- Provide at least one allusion to another film. Explain its relevance to the theme in one paragraph or more.
11- Describe your overall appreciation of the film, for example,

a- Why it was artful or worthwhile to watch for the theme and techniques.
b- Why it is socially relevant.
c- Why it is historically relevant.
d- Why it is enjoyable to watch and why.
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…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Writer’s ID: U3684

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