Analyze the security vulnerabilities that may have existed at the time of the 1996 games.

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Analyze the security vulnerabilities that may have existed at the time of the 1996 games.

HLS620-1104B-01 Technology Solutions for HLS
Task Name: Phase 3 Discussion Board
Deliverable Length: 850–1,000-word analysis
Details: Students will be expected to post their first initial discussion board posting by Wednesday of each week. Discussion posts will be graded and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.

Students are expected to post their responses to peers by Sunday. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.

Homeland security efforts have become increasingly dependent on technology to identify overall threats to the general population; this includes tracking persons, contraband, explosives, vehicles, and cargo. It is absolutely essential to the security and safety of the nation that homeland security professionals have the skills and tools necessary to effectively monitor people and material—especially surrounding high-exposure, highly attended events in which the health and safety of the public are of concern because of the security vulnerabilities created by the sheer volume of attendees.

Conduct research on the security measures taken to ensure the safety of the participants of and visitors to the 1996 Summer Olympic Games held in Atlanta, Georgia. Using your existing knowledge of homeland security issues, the research you have conducted on the 1996 Summer Olympic Games, and the S&T Directive Web site, prepare an 850–1,000-word analysis in which you include the following information:

•Analyze the security vulnerabilities that may have existed at the time of the 1996 games.
â—¦Why was this a security vulnerability?
â—¦What was the result of the vulnerability? Did any incidents occur?
•Discuss surveillance technologies, inspection and detection technologies, and biometrics that are being utilized now that may not have existed in 1996. For example, facial recognition biometrics may currently be used at a large sporting or entertainment venue to compare visitors against a terrorist database. If a match is determined between the faces at the event and the terrorism watch list, a notification is made, and appropriate official action can be taken.
â—¦How would these technologies have addressed the vulnerabilities that existed in 1996 in Atlanta?
In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

The following rubric will be used for grading:

Analyze the security vulnerabilities that may have existed at the time of the 1996 games. (0–25 points)
Grading Criteria

Exceeds Expectations: Answers the question and gives detailed examples. Thoughts are organized and address the topic.

Meets Expectations: Answers question and explains why answer was reached. Critical thinking is evident, but missed some of the key concepts.

Progressing: Provides an answer to the question, but response does not contain specific details. Shows some understanding of concepts.

Improvement Needed: Only a vague response is provided. Shows limited critical thinking. Missed key concepts.

Unsatisfactory: Only general thoughts regarding statutory or policy barriers. Missed concepts in total.

Analyze surveillance technologies, inspection and detection technologies, and biometrics that are being utilized now that may not have existed in 1996. (0–25 points)
Grading Criteria

Exceeds Expectations: Answers the question and gives detailed examples. Thoughts are organized and address the topic.

Meets Expectations: Answers question and explains why answer was reached. Critical thinking is evident, but missed some of the key concepts.

Progressing: Provides an answer to the question, but response does not contain specific details. Shows some understanding of concepts.

Improvement Needed: Only a vague response is provided. Shows limited critical thinking. Missed key concepts.

Unsatisfactory: Only general thoughts regarding statutory or policy barriers. Missed concepts in total.

Length (at least 850 words; 0–15 points)
Grading Criteria

Exceeds Expectations: Assignment exceeds 1,000 words.

Meets Expectations: Assignment is between 850–1,000 words.

Progressing: Assignment is between 750–849 words.

Improvement Needed: Assignment is between 650–749 words.

Unsatisfactory: Assignment is less than 650 words.

Writing Skills (0–10 points)
Grading Criteria

Exceeds Expectations: Assignment uses proper grammar, spelling, & mechanics consistently.

Meets Expectations: Assignment uses proper grammar, spelling, & mechanics with minimal errors.

Progressing: Assignment demonstrates a very basic mastery of grammar, spelling, & mechanics.

Improvement Needed: Assignment contains a number of grammar, spelling, & mechanical errors.

Unsatisfactory: Assignment contains many grammar, spelling, & mechanical errors or grammar, spelling, & mechanical errors are so severe they interfere with the paper’s meaning.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials. Please refer to the following multimedia course material(s):

•Phase 3 – Surveillance Technology: RFID
•Phase 3 – The TSA’s Body Scanners
•Phase 3 – Cargo, Truck, and Vehicle Scanners
•Phase 3 – Explosive Trace Detectors (ETDs)
•Phase 3 – Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
•Phase 3 – Biometrics
•Phase 3 – License Plate Capture Systems
•Phase 3 – Unmanned Platforms
•Phase 3 – Drones: America’s New Air Force

Points Possible: 75
Date Due: Sunday, Dec 11, 2011
Objective: •Evaluate inspection, detection, and surveillance technologies, such as RFID, Sensor Networks, Biometrics, Radiation Detection, Bio Detection, UAVs, CCTV, Satellite Imagery and GIS.

Submitted Files: Discussion Board
Score: N/A
Instructor Comments: No comments have been made

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